
Dress it Up a Bit

Remember that I made a sponge cake for the kids for April Fools day?? It worked!! Hee hee!!

My 12 yr daughter made plans to spend the night at a friend’s home, so I had to show her the cake. She saw the cake and then I showed her the pictures in reverse–as if un-decorating the cake. Her response, “That’s gross.”

The cave boys? Watch this . . . .

I do not think they really made the connection to the “sponge cake” but they did get that this little cake just wasn’t quite right. They were fooled.

And of course, I did follow up and treat them to the real thing.

Maggie and I did and even encouraged the 6 year old to do so as well. Let me explain . . .

I called my friend Maggie and her two charges (she is a nanny) and met for an afternoon at a nature center & it’s “natural playground.”

Maggie was thankful for the invite because one of her charges does not care to be outside in the nature. Izzy is not a nature nut. She prefers her plastic toys. Both Maggie and I concur that the little girl did have a good time–SHE even used her imagination.

Maggie and I enjoy being in nature (we’re just nuts about it) and going with what comes . . . naturally. It is also fun to watch the kids explore and create. And kids need that little push to get them out of their plastic, man made element to get them to create. Maggie and I (as adults) get more excited about nature then the kids.

Being it is fall where we live, we saw a little moving nature. We saw a cool beetle with a big pincher, a few squirrels and a few remaining ducks. My kids were amazed with the cattails and their seeds blowing on the wind. The kids also like the floating boardwalk over the swamp–taking time to initiate viewing what might be in and on the water.

If we keep “teaching” and “showing” our kids about nature, I am certain they will catch on. (My kids already join me in the delight of neighbors’ gardens.)

End Notes:

Jacob thought the stick structure we saw and played in/with (similar to the picture above) should be titled a “beaver lodge.”

Tomorrow when the Nature Center is open I will call for more info about the Natural Playground and post the info.

Funny that the person who took this picture and I had the same thought: Rethinking Childhood. I found the picture after I wrote this entry.

Week 1, Day 3 Again (July 12, 2009)

Alright people. I admit it. I am definitely a couch potato.

Today I jogged the first 3 rounds of jogging–ONLY. I walked the rest of the way.  Again, I do not think this program is design for us true couch potatoes.

I just can’t  do this thing! It’s ok though. I feel good about it. I will walk for a while. Which is more than I have been doing. I’m getting out there and doing something. That’s good. I feel better about it–it’s not a chore, and I’m moving.

Thus, Iwill not write about my walking experience. That’s not too funny! When I am up to the Couch Potato program, I’ll try to pass some humor your way. Maybe I can encourage you and together we can get healthy.

Week 1, Day 3    (July 11, 2009)

Today I made it 8 minutes! I’m supposed to be improving.

I had to walk the rest of the way. I did walk. But I do admit, I had to sit down with 3 minutes left and 2 blocks from home.

Again today I was surpassed by a senior citizen. And who sweats on the TOP of their wrists!

This program was not designed for couch potatoes. I think I’ going to die running up one flight of stairs! I am so pitiful. I am not even average or normal. What can be lower than a couch potato? A couch? Maybe I better enroll in that chair yoga class! Uff da!

Week 1, Day 2 (July 8, 2009)

After completing day 2, I lay on a park bench recovering. I look up in to the tree leaves. Soon the leaves begin to flutter in an unexpected way. “Am I dying?” I wonder? The I see multiple little yellow butterflies twittering about. “Yep, this is it. I’m dying–I’m seeing heaven. And, I’ve gone to my death as a couch potato!”

But then . . . My vision clears. I realize that these are ordinary butterflies. My breath calms, as does my heart. I live to rise from the couch another day!!

Today I made it 13 minutes  & 10 seconds. It actually went ok. And only 5 minutes to recover! I think I will have to do Week 1 at least two if not three times! I CAN do it.

Week 1, Day 1     July 7, 2009

I have decided to try the exercise program: “Couch Potato to 5K in 9 Weeks.”

The first day consists of a 20 minute workout alternating 90 seconds of walking and 60 seconds of jogging. How hard can that be?

Day One: Failure. I made it about 8 minutes! I had to walk the rest of the way.

And then it took me half an hour to recover! Chasing after toddlers is NOT an exercise plan.

I ran through the park. Within the first 5 minutes I passed seniors citizens doing chair yoga. “I can do this” I told myself.

I was passed by a senior out for her morning walk. “I can do this” I told myself.

She passed me a second time! “I can’t do this” I told myself.

I guess I better keep it up. I can’t be beat by a bunch of senior citizens!  I’ll get nowhere if I stay on that couch. I figure it best to circle my block, though. That way if I pass out, it’s close to home. Maybe someone will find me and say, “You can do this.”
