The Cave Boys

Dress it Up a Bit

Remember that I made a sponge cake for the kids for April Fools day?? It worked!! Hee hee!!

My 12 yr daughter made plans to spend the night at a friend’s home, so I had to show her the cake. She saw the cake and then I showed her the pictures in reverse–as if un-decorating the cake. Her response, “That’s gross.”

The cave boys? Watch this . . . .

I do not think they really made the connection to the “sponge cake” but they did get that this little cake just wasn’t quite right. They were fooled.

And of course, I did follow up and treat them to the real thing.

I so love to tease . . . and surprise.

Today is April Fools Day! I know it’s going to be a long day because the 4 1/2 year old will milk this “holiday” ALL DAY LONG! And he doesn’t quite getting the joking thing. So, being the good mom I am, I’ll have to go along with it ALL DAY LONG.

But I am going to get the kids good!! I made them a sponge cake. Now, in their short lives, they have had little experience. I do not think they have encountered sponge cake–so my April Fool trick might not go over as big as it should. Oh, well! I’m doing it anyway!! Be sure to come back tomorrow to read about the “playing out of the April Fool’s trick!”

Making the “sponge cake” . . . .

The Ingredients

Making the Cake

Frosting the Cake


And because I am a paper crafter, I dressed the cake up with this cake wrap that Eleanor created. You can find it at her on-line store, SVG Shop. (Love Eleanor’s creations, by the way!)

Dress it Up a Bit

REMEMBER, to come back tomorrow to read about the “playing out of the April Fool’s trick!”

This is an old post that did not get posted. Hope you enjoy it.
At the time, Jacob was 6 ½ years. Zachary, 4 ½ years.

Brushing Up on Your Grammar
Be Aware of What You Put In Your Mouth
According to Jacob, my boys don’t take vitamins. They eat bite-amins or suck-amins!

According to Zachary, people use smokerettes.

Feelings, Oh-oh-oh, Feelings
It is fun to listen to the boys singing the songs of the pop artists that big sister Emma listens to. They know most of the words to the songs of “chick” singers like Hannah Montana, Katy Perry, that Firefly Guy, Tiao Cruz, Bruno Mars. Emma does play & sing them A LOT!

Katy Perry has a song called “Fireworks.”
Zachary sings: “Have you ever feeled like a plastic bag . . .”

I corrected Zach saying, “We say felt. Have you felt. You do not feeled. A field is where cows graze. Have you ever felt like . . . ”

Zach replies: “No, not that kind of field. Like you feeled it on your tummy.”

The God’s Teaccings According to Zachary
It is hard to know when the little ones grasp God.
One Sunday we were on our way home from Church and Zachary said, “You know God is everywhere. God’s in our body. God is pushing our heart.”
Fair enough. Then he said, “You can talk to God, but if you use bathroom words, He won’t listen to us.”
We have good teachers at our church!

In the Science Lab with Jacob
Solids Versus Liquids
Jacob tells me

When asked if Pluto planet? He replies, “It is a dwarf planet.” But does not know what that means. And that is the end of it! “Don’t ask!”

I asked him if he learned about the “new planet?”
“We’re not going to learn that.”

I let my 4 year old watch a movie on my laptop IN my craft room. He knows the rule: “Don’t touch anything in mom’s room.”

He is still very oral and puts everything in his mouth.

Alas, he munched on this finished card. He took the fibers off and chewed them up separately! I guess the fibers warranted their own attention! Fortunately, I had not yet posted the card in my on-line store. At least I can still use the cone.

Are you looking for handmade cards to warm the hearts of friends and family? Please visit Krista’s Paper Cafe at

Mom and Zachary are at the store.
Zach: Can I buy that?
Mom: You don’t even know what that is.
Zach: I still want it.
Mom: What would you do with it?
Zach: Put it up some place high where Jacob can not get to it.


Every parent dreams of the time when their child reaches the level of self-entertainment: well-behaved, quietly playing on their own.

But parents be aware. There is such a thing as “too quiet.” Just when you think you are getting 5 Minute’s peace, it comes back to bite you . . . . . .

Jacob, 14 months later--tooth finally had to be pulled

Lost Tooth
Nov 15, 2008
Jacob was running ON the kitchen counters, fell hitting his teeth on the floor and out popped a front tooth with it’s root. The dentist met us at the office (on a Saturday) and pushed the tooth back in.

16 herbs & spices

Air Freshener
Nov 18 & 25, 2008 (yes, twice!)
The boys breached the security of the kitchen. 16 herbs and spices smell nice and pretty.

Zachary, what did you do?!!

Green/Brown Boy
April 8, 2009
“Mom, Zachary colored on himself!” calls out big brother. I’ll say!!

Oh nooooooo!

Blue Boy or Equal Time
May 1, 2009
“Mom, Jacob colored on himself!” calls out little brother. Argh!

Oh yes, he remembered to color his eyes AND ears AND mo–uth AND nose, head, shoulders, knees AND toes, knees AND toes!

So, the next time you think about sneaking away for 5 Minutes, consider the following:

They liked the decorating. They liked walking in their new footwear . . . for 5 Minutes.

Those of you thinking about trying this with your kiddos, there are two things you should know:
#1 the openings in the tissue boxes hurt your legs
#2 depending on the child, the boxes are not very sturdy

Where the Wild Things Are

Zachary's wild feet

Jacob's wild feet

Zachary has always been a text book baby/child. Since 3 months before his third birthday, he has definitely been a true Three-Year-Old. Lots of emotional ups and downs. More temper tantrums then one would care to remember. Exhibiting very bad as well as very good behavior. Much, too much whining. The three-year-old stage is very challenging. (Twos are over rated, threes, under rated.)

Zachary has been the one you go to when you were having a bad day. He always wore a contagious smile and would voice just as contagious a laugh. He had extremely pleasant manners and was always kind.

When Zachary hit the three year stage . . . not as much.

I am sure it is as hard for him as it is for us.

But, we are still gifted with the sweetness and kindness of Zachary. I know that the “good” boy is going to win out!!

We use our kids as alarm clocks. We sleep until they come and get us. And to no avail, they will come and get us—no later than 7:30. (I know, a luxury compared to some.) They will not quietly play upon waking. I think that the boys think, if they are up, mom and dad should be up. It works though.

This morning my sweet Zachary appeared at my bedside to tell me he was awake and ready for breakfast. As I was righting myself, he said, “Here mom. Here is your headband and your glasses. I’ll get them.”

He has never done that before.

You see. That sweet, “good” boy is still inside.

I was touched by his thoughtfulness. I more so welcomed his awareness that mom dons these two items upon waking. Zachary has always been quite observant and aware of his surroundings. That has taken a back seat as of late.

I was so pleased to know that all of those favorable qualities are still within Zachary.

On a side note:
As of late, it been tough rearing the two cave boys. They have been quite selfish, argumentative, competitive, knit-pickers, and mean. It’s hard to accept that. Every parent wants their child to be “good.” ONLY. PERIOD.

God has been telling me to chill out. It is yet, another phase. I know that they are good boys. They are still very young. They’ll get there. They’ll put it all together—properly!

To be tangibly reassured of that is what I needed with Zachary’s wake up call this morning.

Thank you, Zachary.

Thank you, God.

(December 30, 2009)

Today I helped in the kindergarten room. Loved it! The students talked about following the rules so they can be good first graders.
Asking Jacob about this later he replies, “Yea. And first graders kiss.”
How does he know? “I seen them.”
Is this a good thing? “Yes.”

Additionally, I met a little girl who told me with tears in her eyes that “When Jacob and I are grown ups we are still going to be very good friends.”

Further investigation at home with Jacob revealed that “Not just friends, Married.” Who’s idea? Her’s, Jacob’s or did they both agree to this? “We both agreed.”

(I have not heard any tales of this young gal. I will put this in Jacob’s journal and we’ll see what the future holds.)

A neighbor had this construction tube sitting on their lawn, with a sign marked free.

I knew it was there from an earlier car trip. I thought that the tube would be a great TOY for the kids. My imagination certainly started to run wild.

Driving home with the kids in the car, I pulled over and stopped in front of the tube.

“Where are you going, Mom?” the 5 year old cave boy asked.Picture 232

“Hold on.”

The boys, age 3 and 5, were sitting in their car seats in the back seat of a small car. I took the tube, brought it to the car and opened the back door.

Placing the 4 ½ foot tube across their laps, they asked, “What is this?”

“Oh, I thought you might like to play with this,” I replied.

You should have seen the smiles that beamed across their faces.

They are currently playing with it—in the house.

Thus far it has been a ride, a weight, a ramp for toy cars.

They have crawled all over and IN it.

Standing it on end, they have filled it with whatever they could get their hands on.

They walk around the room wearing it over their heads.

It’s a great hiding place.

One crawls inside and the other rolls him around.

And I now hear Dad getting in on the action! Dad spins the kid in the air—inside the tube! Then Dad dumps them out on to the couch.

The best part is that they are getting along as if they were the best buddies in the world.

I think I am going to buy a whole ware house of these and market them as a toy!!

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